Drug DUI


Drug DUI Defense Attorney in Phoenix, AZ

Drug DUIs can take many forms. Many normal people get caught up in drug DUI cases simply because they took the medication that was legally prescribed to them by a doctor. Now that recreational marijuana is legal in Arizona, more people are getting charged with marijuana-related DUIs – sometimes wrongfully.

It’s important to know and defend your rights if you’ve been accused of driving under the influence of drugs.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs ARS 28-1382 (A)(2)

ARS 28-1381(A)(3) states that a driver can be charged with a DUI for having any amount of any drug listed in ARS 13-3401 in their system, including cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and oxycodone to name a few. If the officer suspects you are under the influence of drugs, they may transport you to the local law enforcement station, where a urine screen and/or blood sample will be taken. Many of the officers in Arizona are trained as DRE's (Drug Recognition Experts.)

DUI for drugs carries harsh penalties as well. A first offense DUI for drugs carries a minimum mandatory 10 days jail, 9 of which may be suspended upon drug counseling, around $2,000 in fines and fees, your license may be suspended for 90 days, and the ignition interlock may be waived at the judge's discretion. 

With a drug-related DUI, it is critical to contact DUI defense attorney Michael Alarid immediately to start working on your case. Your Phoenix DUI lawyer can help you gather evidence to prove your innocence and potentially get your case thrown out.

Many people in Arizona are unaware that they can be charged and prosecuted for a drug DUI for driving while taking certain types of legally prescribed medications. Some Arizonans who are following their physicians' orders are arrested by the police and charged with a DUI on prescription medication when the officers believe that they are impaired.

According to the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University, 131 million Americans take prescription drugs each day. An even higher percentage of older adults take prescription medications. Many prescription medications do not impair your driving ability. However, if an officer believes that you are impaired by your medications, you can still be arrested and charged with a DUI.


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Speak with a Phoenix Drug DUI Lawyer Today

Attorney Michael Alarid is an experienced DUI defense lawyer and is one out of only five attorneys in Arizona who has passed the certification exam from the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) to become Board Certified in DUI Defense Law. With his combination of legal knowledge and litigation skills, he has successfully defended many clients against allegations of DUI on drugs. ou can schedule a consultation with DUI lawyer Michael Alarid by calling Y(602) 818-3110.

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